Profilfoto Muriel Hagmann


Muriel is a 23-year-old fashion designer originally from Switzerland. She made the decision to relocate to Berlin to pursue her fashion design studies and has since established herself as a designer in the field.
Her design philosophy revolves around the concepts of light-heartedness and vibrant colors. She believes that fashion should be a joyful and expressive medium, and her designs reflect this belief. 
As a fashion designer, Muriel continually draws inspiration from various sources, including psychology, heritage, nature, and cultural diversity. 
She embraces a sustainable design approach, prioritizing eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices. She believes in creating fashion that not only looks good but also minimizes its impact on the environment, ensuring a more sustainable and responsible industry. 
Muriel’s primary aim is to help individuals recognize the inherent value of clothing and provide them with an opportunity to shine brightly in a sea of people.



We implement a comprehensive sustainable approach by sourcing eco-friendly materials and prioritizing ethical production practices. With a focus on reducing environmental impact through upcycling and deadstock textiles and promoting responsible consumption, we strive to create fashion that is both stylish and sustainable. Each textile is hand picked and certified. We are also still constantly learning and educating ourselves about new and better sustainable practices. 


Our biggest goal with creating garments is to give back value and create long-lasting unique pieces. To give back value to clothes, please practice conscious consumption by investing in high-quality pieces that are timeless and durable. Additionally, embrace the concept of circular fashion by participating in clothing swaps, donating unwanted items to charity, or upcycling garments to extend their lifespan and reduce waste.


Fair and sustainable clothing production involves ensuring fair wages and ethical treatment of everyone in the supply chain. All garments are hand made in Berlin and can be customized to any size. 

 In terms of packaging, adopting eco-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable packaging not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainability by considering the entire lifecycle of the product.

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Profilfoto Muriel Hagmann

Muriel is a 24-year-old fashion designer originally from Switzerland. She made the decision to relocate to Berlin to pursue her fashion design studies and has since established herself as a designer in the field.
Her design philosophy revolves around the concepts of light-heartedness and vibrant colors. She believes that fashion should be a joyful and expressive medium, and her designs reflect this belief. 
As a fashion designer, Muriel continually draws inspiration from various sources, including psychology, heritage, nature, and cultural diversity. 
She embraces a sustainable design approach, prioritizing eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices. She believes in creating fashion that not only looks good but also minimizes its impact on the environment, ensuring a more sustainable and responsible industry. 
Muriel’s primary aim is to help individuals recognize the inherent value of clothing and provide them with an opportunity to shine brightly in a sea of people.



We implement a comprehensive sustainable approach by sourcing eco-friendly materials and prioritizing ethical production practices. With a focus on reducing environmental impact through upcycling and deadstock textiles and promoting responsible consumption, we strive to create fashion that is both stylish and sustainable. Each textile is hand picked and certified. We are also still constantly learning and educating ourselves about new and better sustainable practices. 


Our biggest goal with creating garments is to give back value and create long-lasting unique pieces. To give back value to clothes, please practice conscious consumption by investing in high-quality pieces that are timeless and durable. Additionally, embrace the concept of circular fashion by participating in clothing swaps, donating unwanted items to charity, or upcycling garments to extend their lifespan and reduce waste.


Fair and sustainable clothing production involves ensuring fair wages and ethical treatment of everyone in the supply chain. All garments are carefully made in Berlin and can be customized to any size. All the textiles used are sourced with great care and responsibility for the environment.

 In terms of packaging, adopting eco-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable packaging not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainability by considering the entire lifecycle of the product.

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